Saturday, April 2, 2011


So, after a pissed off start to my day, enduring a mind-fuck from a "friend,"  I hung out with a real friend.  She came to hang out, met Mr. Gus (he says hi).  Gus found a friend, for the first time since living in this apartment, he was cool with someone.  That fucking rules, so hard, I was worried I couldn't take him to get his next set of shots because of his tension a measurable undo-able progress was made.  Yeah!

So anyways, we were talking about a new goth bar she has a crush on.  Ah, the goth I miss you so.  Not that I wore corpse paint and solid black and mourned the death of art with a viel on my, but we have many things in common.

In highschool I was the first kid to wear that Marylin Manson t-shirt, I wasn't the roudiest kid, the most badass, the funniest, smartest, dumbest, gifted, advantaged, or otherwise.  I was normal, the only difference is, like only a few others I knew, I was "awake."  I understood the goth kids because I myself was an outcast because of stereotypes and ignorance.

We didn't buy it, the top 10 charts, the Nikes, the name brand jeans, "The Rachel" haircut, the " you need to do this next in life bullshit.

No we got kicked out of art class...we got sent to the principals office for speaking our minds, and we got reprimanded for telling the truth.  It's called being awake, I used quotations before, fuck those, we are past that now.  We got baked in Jesse's truck before 1st period, and passed out in 3rd, to wake up 4th in time for lunch.  Then we got a second helping of carbs, chased it with a coke, and played decoy so our friends could smoke cigarettes and continue with the day...they were 18 and enlisted in the military, cut some fucking slack.  We ask a few questions in a student convocation and all of a sudden, our handbooks are ripped up and the faculty is in a tizzy.

Back to the goth thing.... I wore a Manson shirt to school when I lived in North Carolina, the teachers like the cleverness of the shirt, and the fact I was okay and confident to wear Missouri, they called my parents to tell them the student body was praying for me...(this kind of shit causes Columbines, knock it off, you aren't helping.)  When I moved back to Indiana,  we had to break christian protest lines to see manson in concert..."going to hell,"  "Jesus loves me," and "you are satan" all from the same protest group...glad they got together before hand to gain solidarity in their protest.  Instead of telling people what they are doing wrong, protesting and making a community not involved with the conflict uncomfortable, maybe you should just educate your children, and volunteer that time and energy to help someone that needs it, maybe act like the "christian" you are criticizing others for not being... maybe.

I know focusing energy on your own community is a hard bite to swallow, but so are babies.

1 comment:

  1. A first rate start, Congrats! the first month is the most difficult. I like your writing style.
