Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Hey Asshole!

It's  been a minute since I have done anything with writing or music, or even on the blog.  The job market is tough, or maybe all of the jobs I am qualified for are the same jobs that everyone else looking for a job seems to be qualified for.

My trip to Indiana, well, let's just say, that's where I used to be from...I made a trip to visit stepdad number 1, that isn't doing to well, heart failure this, oxygen tank that, last wishes blah blah blah.  I say this to downplay it, because that's what I know how to do.  I learned that I will not become my mother.  I will not be a victim to food, and a slave to laziness.  I will not consume consume consume.  I will not live in filth and surround myself with stupidity and hate, just out of spite for the kid that packed up and moved to "ORYGONE"  We never had much growing up, and what we did, mom got from us through guilt.  She has money now from husband #Ilostcount and cannot stop consuming...

4 trashcans of trash per week, that's how much.

About 24 bottles of water per day.

Recycling is to hard she says.

It's heartbreaking...not to mention a 6 dollar tip on a 70 dollar meal.

So after coming home I write a not so nice review about an "annex" to a popular restaurant , a new version of a very popular restaraunt featured on all the cooking and travel shows.  The new spot is little, and confusing, and the award winning chef just happened to be there, I didn't know it was him, I just know that the manager (read award winning chef) was beyond rude, and not to one person, to the whole place, customers, staff, even the food was fucking mad.  I called him out on his behavior as many others before me have.  Well he didn't like being called an asshole, or being told that his food is too fucking salty, saying that if I had a problem with it, I should have brought it up then to have it fixed.  What this guy isn't understanding, is that he was the problem, he is an asshole, and his food is subpar and over priced, if I would have said something then, I am pretty sure the cops would have been called because I am sure the nice manager loves a confrontation...That got me banned from ever going back, my picture is posted at all of his places.  I'm having a friend sneak in and draw curly mustaches on them, it will make me look more sophisticated.